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What a great concept and execution. Not to mention an impeccable GDD :)

I don't know if it was Proton-related (ran it under Linux Steam), some instability in my system or something else entirely (maybe how many times I died to the spikes!) but I was able to reproduce several game crashes on the... maybe third or fourth level, with the spike pit at the bottom? Seemed to occur after about three or four deaths. Other jam games including some quite demanding 3D ones (and other Unity games) have been performing well, so just thought I'd mention it in case there was an issue with resetting the player after a death or some such.

It's the kind of thing you only find out with people like me who suck at platformers!

Thank you for the feedback and for playing! And thank you for letting me know about the player reset bug. It *could* be an issue with running under Linux as this is the first time I've heard about it, but I will try and recreate it when I get back to development.

Thanks again!

Please don't try to recreate it! Heh. Unfortunately I discovered this morning that my current CPU config is not stable under load. It's flaking during compiles etc. My guess is, that particular level has a bit of a high CPU requirement for some reason, and it was dying. Definitely not your fault :)

haha, thank you for the update. Might have saved me a frustrating hour of trying break my game on purpose.

Yeah I had nightmares of you spending hours looking for crashes when I'm basically a dumbass XD

Also, I have to comment on the pages of a diary style is great too.

I love this B3agz!  Great job!  The movement of the player is so organic and fluid.  It really lends itself to the skill involved in the game.  Very enjoyable!

Thanks you for the kind words, I appreciate it! Do you have a game in the jam? I'd give it a play but I can't see one on your profile.

I entered, but was bumped up to full time at work (local McDonald's) so yeah, I started a project, and just enjoyed what progress I made, but it was just a world with 3D terrain, which I was happy to get that going... I need to participate in more jams.

Ah that's a shame. At least you got something out of it though!

I'm not complaining, as I need the money right now... later this year... different story! lol

(1 edit)

The visuals of this were very creative. Hopping from page to page was incredibly interesting to look at. 
I noticed that you're still affected by gravity during coyote time, and in some cases, this makes it almost like a double jump, where I could fall off a platform and then jump in midair when I land. Though it's not noticeable in practice, I only found it out because I intentionally tried to test the coyote time.
Despite it not taking long to finish the game, it felt like it was a lot more content-dense than it was! It was always engaging in some way
lastly, the collision boxes for spikes, platforms, and the player felt a little bit too misshapen for tight squeezes to feel comfortable; It felt like the player was too big in comparison to the others which made it feel unsatisfying trying to land on the smallest sized platforms
This feels like a very inspired game overall. The writing was good and it was satisfying to finish. You got a lot done in a short time, great job!

Thank you for the detailed feedback! Really appreciate it. That's all going in the notes :) Thank you for playing!

The aesthetics are awesome! Liked the tight platforming controls, very much so reminded me of Super Meat Boy and had some nice QoL features. The only major criticism I have is resetting takes too long. Like, it's fast but still feels a bit too long (especially on the longer level where the song even resets. IMO you should just have the song keep rolling, speed up respawn a bit, maybe 1/4-to-1/3 of the total respawn time faster, and that should do the trick). Otherwise, yet another banger from the two-time, well done! 


Thanks for playing! Yeah the respawn time is a very common complaint, probably something I should think about changing lol. I just played your meme... I mean game too. Great work!

I'm not sure why but when I try to extract the game, I get this error. I watched the video and it looked very interesting. I may come back to this to check out what the actual error meant later. If you find something before I do, please let me know here in the comments!


I got the same thing when using the "Extract All..." function built into Windows (11) but when unzipping with 7zip it had no issues. I haven't found many articles that are particularly helpful regarding this (they offered generally unhelpful advice such as "make sure Windows is up to date" and "your file is corrupted," which it's observably not since 7zip works and it doesn't). I have encountered other errors with these file types though stating "the path is too long" so it is possibly just that it doesn't support that particular format of encryption and we're receiving a catch-all error message.

Solution: It's not worth the energy, just use 7zip, its free:

Ohh, I didn't even realize it was a .rar file and I didn't have 7zip or winrar installed as this is a fresh VM.  Thanks for narrowing it down for me!

Thanks for this guys I'll put a little update on the game page because you're not the only ones who ran into this.

That's some awesome presentation man. Loved the overall style and specially the writing. Lovely GDD too.
Also, really liked the thight controls. Good stuff.

Thank you so much for the kind words! I enjoyed your entry as well.

Really lovely style. Actually my only real feedback is about this page, the red links in thin text are really hard to read on the yellow background. As for the game, you nailed it! Even your GDD oozed with style.

Thank you, so kind! And thanks for the heads up about the links. I can't change my game files but I can change that!

A very beautiful game, the art is fantastic and it looks extremely polished. The dev was nice enough to send me a bundled version for linux but something about it made the audio not work for me (Realized it seems to be a unity specific bug, changing audio source while the game was opening made the audio work). Even still there's clearly a lot of great effort that went into polishing everything and adding little details to create a cool experience!

Thank you for taking the time to reach out about the Linux build. I don't have a machine to test it on so I had no idea how that would go lol.

Deleted 332 days ago

Thank you for the feedback, and for letting me know about that key bug (would you believe that's the first bug I've been made aware of?). The respawn time thing is a common complaint so definitely something I'll be fixing. Thank you so much for the kind words.

I for sure would believe it, the game is super polished. Really great job mate :)

I love this method of story telling, The game is way more of an unforgiving precision platformer than the aesthetic would have you think. Maybe a little too slippery? But that's something I could get used to. Very polished, visually appealing and both cozy and intense at the same time.

Thanks for playing! Yeah, if I had more time the game would slant more towards a casual puzzle solving game than a precision platformer. Unfortunately puzzles are super hard to make and not something you can brute force in 2 weeks.

Thanks for playing, really appreciate it!